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Friday, 15 October 2010


Last Week in photoshop we made logos using different layers, the logos were created to use on our different sites such as twitter, flicker and blogger.


In photoshop we learnt how make specific selections using the magnetic lasso tool. We first cut out the jumping girl and once we were happy with our first selection we used the quick mask button to make our selection neater.

The red outline displays what you haven't selected, and everything in colour is your selection. On this mode you can neaten up your initial selection.

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Life Paused-Flicker Image

Life Paused
Originally uploaded by Gulfu
I particually like this image because of the colours. They give the overall photo a calming and serene feel. I like the slight shillouette look to the picture, it adds a very calming feel to the photo.

Sunday, 10 October 2010


Okay so this might be a lengthy blog but hey, it has to be done. Basically for the last few weeks we have been learning new techniques in photoshop, for example cropping and adjusting images, creating logos, pixels, image resolution and everything. As we are only learning the basics and will have to brush up on our skills at a later date. We have also been singing up to various sites, such as flicker, tumbler, twitter and evidently blogger. This is  to give us the best possible chance to show off our work. I enjoy twitter more than most, probably because it's easier and I can't really mess it up with my technology repelling skills. But for now thats seems to have covered most of the things we have been doing, now if you'll excuse me I have to go sleep.